Regenerative agriculture: values-based packaging.

Prana was set to launch a new line of seasoned pumpkin seeds. In keeping with their eco-responsibility values, they wanted to use locally sourced ingredients to further support sustainable agriculture. To do that, they partnered with a Québec-based farmer leading the way in agricultural innovation. The goal: to tgrow pumpkin seeds using regenerative agriculture, a first in Québec.

  • Client

    Consumer insight
    Packaging design

    Marie-Ève Caron, brand strategy
    Caroline Reumont, art direction
    Dominique Malaterre, photography
    Laure Corten, food stylist
    Vickie Rousseau, photo retouching
    Julie Charlebois, project management
    Steve Desmarais, graphic production Vickie Rousseau, portefolio photography


Find the right tone to highlight the locally sourced aspect of the product, all while increasing awareness among consumers. There is much to learn about the process of crop rotation, where the goal is to better mimic nature using biodiversity to regenerate and restore soil levels. Also, we had to create craveability for the product: the taste-filled, nutritionally-packed snacking aspect was as critical to the communication as the sustainability story.


To cover all that ground in our packaging, we needed to find a balance between the green positioning of Prana and the great taste of the product. A bigger-than-life pumpkin seed helped play up the flavour of the product, while placing the visual at the heart of a graphic composition rooted in nature spoke to the importance of regenerative agriculture in today’s food industry.



