We believe in the science of strategy, the power of creativity, and the strength of flawless execution.

  • Client - Fruit d’Or / Patience
    Project - Brand
    Services - Brand strategy, Brand identity, Packaging design, Advertising

  • Client - Flo, AddÉnergie
    Project - Brand Identity
    Services -Market audit and analysis, Consumer insight, Marketing strategy, Brand positioning, Brand Identity, Brand tools

The response was instantly positive when we presented the new brand to stores. The joyfulness and feel-good vibe shines through. It makes everyone smile and it’s a natural fit for Prana.

— Janick Parent, Vice President Marketing, Prana

  • Client - Prana
    Project - Brand Identity and Packaging Platform
    Services - Audit and analysis of market trends, Audit and analysis of the competition, Consumer insight, Brand positioning, Brand Identity, Packaging design, Product communications

  • Client - SouCran, Fruit d’Or
    Project - Advertising Campaign
    Services - Consumer insight, Campaign creation, Media strategy, Content strategy

  • Client - Flo, AddÉnergie
    Project - B2B Campaign
    Services - Customer insight, Campaign creation, Content strategy

  • Client - Floèm
    Project - Brand Identity and Naming
    Services - Audit and market trends analysis, Consumer insight, Brand positioning, Packaging design, Product communications

  • Client - David’s Tea
    Project - Packaging Platform
    Services - Consumer insight, Packaging design

  • Client - Elopak
    Project - B2B Campaign
    Services - Audit and analysis of market trends, Audit and analysis of the competition, Customer Insight, B2B Campaign, Content Strategy

Maintaining the brand’s continuity while increasing sales of 8% in the first 6 months following the launch of the new packaging.

La Famille’s work is strategic, generous, and creative, and they always remain open to conversation. Collaboration is at the very root of their method, the process is natural, fluid, and easy.

— Benoit Tremblay, Senior Marketing Manager, Vachon

  • Client - Vachon
    Project - Packaging Design
    Services - Audit and analysis of market trends, Audit and analysis of the competition, Consumer insight, Brand portfolio architecture, Brand positioning, Package design

  • Client - David’s Tea
    Project - Packaging Platform
    Services - Audit and analysis of the competition, Audit and analysis of the current offer, Consumer insight, Brand portfolio architecture, Packaging design

  • Client - World Design Summit
    Project - Brand Identity
    Services - Marketing strategy, Brand positioning, Brand identity, Brand deployment

  • Client - David’s Tea
    Project - Environmental Design
    Services - Audit and Analysis of Existing Offer, Consumer Insight, In-Store Customer Journey, Brand Portfolio Segmentation and Architecture, Brand Development, Packaging Design

  • Client - Loounie
    Project - Packaging Platform
    Services - Audit and analysis of the competition, Consumer insight, Packaging design

  • Client - Squish Candies
    Project - Brand Identity and Packaging Platform
    Services - Audit and analysis of market trends, Audit and analysis of the competition, Consumer insight, Brand positioning, Brand Identity, Packaging design, Product communications

Launching a new brand is very exciting! But what’s even more exciting is knowing that, with La Famille, the best elements were brought together to move the idea forward.

— Sarah Segal, Founder and President of Squish Candies

  • Client - Altero
    Project - Communication System
    Services - Consumer insight,
Content strategy, Brand tools, Campaign creation, Website

  • Client - Vachon
    Project - Packaging Platform
    Services - Audit and analysis of market trends, Audit and analysis of the competition, Consumer insight, Brand positioning, Package design

  • Client - Eklipse
    Project - B2B Campaign
    Services - Audit and analysis of market trends, Audit and analysis of the competition, Customer Insight, B2B Campaign, Content Strategy

  • Client - Prana
    Project - Packaging Design
    Services - Consumer insight, Packaging design, Storytelling

  • Client - Big Daddy, Vachon
    Project - Brand Identity and Packaging Platform
    Services - Audit and analysis of market trends, Audit and analysis of the competition, Consumer insight, Brand positioning, Brand identity, Package design

  • Client - David’s Tea
    Project - Packaging Platform
    Services - Consumer insight, Packaging design

Project by project, we combine forces to shape and launch brands that connect with people.
Let’s talk.